Liqueur from Alicante, made with herbs from the Cantueso herb from the mountains of Alicante.
Founded in 1945 in the city of Elche, and supported by a traditional liqueur tradition, Destilerías Salas y Sirvent (SYS) has been dedicated to the production of liqueurs and pomace, among other unique beverages.
SYS is characterized by the possession of very distinctive beverages from the province of Alicante, making use of local products such as cantueso, date liqueur or aniseed.
Using the experience and tradition that guarantee the company, together with the tireless research and innovation applied to each of its products, SYS obtains the most attractive and peculiar drinks.
The character of Salas and Sirvent is embodied in the link between the tradition in the way they make their century-old drinks and the constant technological innovation they apply in their production system.
Likewise, the company becomes stronger every day thanks to constant research and the efforts of its human team to not neglect the unmistakable flavour and aroma of each of its products.
For SYS, it is essential to meet the quality requirements of its beverages. Ensuring the maximum guarantee of both hygiene and safety is of great importance in all the processes to which its products are subjected.
The raw materials it works with, as well as the derived mixtures and the computerized manufacturing process, assume a representative role to certify the highest effectiveness. The treatment processes to which the water is submitted to achieve perfect sterilization are also noteworthy.
Once the product is finished, it is again subjected to a new analysis in order to ensure the end customer the maximum guarantee and confidence. Far from focusing exclusively on its own habits, the company has sought to continue advancing to consolidate its presence in the sector and to expand more and more in an international market.
For all these reasons, one of SYS's goals is to expand the range of its products, without renouncing to quality and efficiency in their performance, in order to preserve the firm trajectory that has guided the brand to achieve the recognition that defines it.
Cantueso ORO
Liqueur from Alicante, made with herbs from the Cantueso plant from the mountains of Alicante.
Great digestive liqueur.